Killeen High School Alumni Registar
"Class of 1979"

Welcome to the Class of 1979 Alumni Registar.  The registar includes all known classmates gleaned from data and information received from other classmates.  As you can tell, addresses and email are blank unless information is available.  All classmates requesting addresses and email not to be given out, will have the word "Private" included in their appropriate blocks.

Main Directory
Class Directory

    Email Address
1979 Bachman-Boehl Kimberlee                                                                                                     
1979 Deal-Owens Linda
1979 Hyers Jennie Stilton
1979 Jensen Roberta
1979 Proctor-Deister Kelli Kay
1979 Rizzo Kelly
1979 Torres Rebecca
1979 Totin Dennis
1979 Totin Jerry